Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Bypassed East

The bypassed East is a beautiful place filled with lush green forests and meadows, but Miami is the polar opposite of that.  There is not an abundance of forests or meadows in Miami, but there is one thing Miami has and that is some of the beast beaches in the world. Miami is the third most visited city in the United States behind Los Angeles and new York.  And everyone who visits Miami usually comes for the amazing beaches and beautiful weather. (source)
Miami Coastline

Thunderstorm over Miami 
Just like the East there is rainfall in Miami but it is nothing like the rainfall in the North-East.  Rainfall in Miami is tropical and usually occurs between the months of May and September.  Even when the rain falls in Miami people do not run inside or put on their raincoats, the rain only last about 10-20 minutes. 

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