Friday, December 9, 2011

The South west Border Area

One similarity between Miami and the Southwest border states are that they both have a very dense Hispanic population.  In southern Texas some counties have a Hispanic population of 70.0%-99.7%.  The same could be said about counties in Southern California and New Mexico.  The main reason for Spanish involvement in the Southwest area was the abundance of gold and silver.

Like the Southwest, whose population is mostly Mexican, Miami also has a very dense Hispanic population.  The only difference is that the Hispanics found in Miami are of Cuban and Latin American descent.  Also Miami was not conquered for its raw materials but it was a strategic port for the Spanish to use to transport their goods from Cuba to the mainland safely.  Also like the Southwest border states, Miami and the rest of Florida are always fighting against illegal immigration.  In Miami most illegal immigrants are fleeing from Cuba.  The most famous of these immigrants was Elian Gonzalez.  In 1999 Elian was fleeing Cuba with his mother and her boyfriend.  His mother drowned on the way there and he was stuck in a custody battle with his grandparents, who lived in Miami, and his father who wanted him back in Cuba.  He was eventually sent back to Cuba.

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