Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Souther Coastlands

In this chapter there is a lot of talk about natural disasters in the Southern Coastlands.  Miami is not excluded from these talks.  Miami, along with the rest of Florida is in constant danger of being struck by a hurricane during the hurricane season.  Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean is officially started in June 1st through November 30th.  It is possible for events to take place outside of these dates but over 97% of hurricanes take place within this six month window.

Devastation left by Hurricane Andrew
The costliest Hurricane to ever hit a United Sattes city was Hurricane Andrew.  Andrew struck in 1992 and demolished Homestead and Miami-Dade County.  During the hurricane winds reached an epic 156 mile per hour.  The estimated cost damage was around $26.5 billion.  Most people were not prepared for this hurricane because most experts predicted its flight pattern was heading north.  After Andrew Florida upped its standards for protecting homes against hurricanes.  It is now a law that every new home have Hurricane shutters. 

Storm Shutters in action.


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